Skylight Installation Costs

Total Installation Cost Range: $475 - $5,000
Average Materials Cost:
Average Labor Cost:
Avg. Time to Complete: 2 - 4 Hours, 2 Installers

Usually Includes: Skylight, Removal and Disposal, Installation and Supplies to Complete Project.

For a homeowner, a skylight can provide much needed light for a dark room and serve as a beautiful way to bring the outdoors, inside. In addition, if you select a skylight that is Energy Star Rated, you can save on heating and cooling costs as well.

Skylight installations are not considered to be the best DIY projects, although, if you have extensive carpentry and roofing skills, it can be done.  For the most part, skylight installations should be done by a skilled carpenter so that leaks and roof damage can be prevented. Skylights can usually be installed in 2-4 hours, usually requiring 2 installers.

There are many types of skylights on the market such as tubular or venting skylights. There are also many accessories that could increase the base price of a skylight, such as; solar coverings, remote control devices and specialty blinds and shades. Additional fees could also be involved based on the complexity of the job, whether additional framing will be needed within your attic or the size and weight of the skylight.

In our skylight Installation Cost Guide, we’ll answer some of these questions for you.

  • Who should we have install a skylight for us?
  • What will it cost?
  • Can I find ways to save money on it?
  • What questions do I ask when getting estimates?

Items Usually Included in Skylight Estimates

Skylight installation estimates usually include:

  • Skylight Kit
  • Tools and Supplies Needed to Complete the Job
  • Delivery Cost
  • Labor Cost for 2 Installers
  • Prep work to protect existing finishes in your home
  • Roof or Shingle Repair and Resealing
  • Removal & Disposal of Debris

To complete a skylight installation on your own you should have extensive knowledge in carpentry and also some wiring and roofing knowledge before you try to do it yourself. We provide the following list so you will be prepared before you begin the project.

  • Safety Items – Glasses and Gloves
  • Common Household Tools & Supplies – Utility Knife, Tape Measure, Compass, Ladder, Coat Hanger, Screws, Level, Crayon (for marking lumber)
  • Aluminum Tape – Used to help seal seams
  • Roof Sealant – To caulk the underside of the flashing
  • Pile Seal – Used to create an expansion joint for the light tube
  • Electric Drill – Used to drill through ceiling drywall
  • Reciprocating Saw – Used to cut hole for flashing installation
  • Hole Saw – Used to cut through inside ceiling

Elements that Effect Installation Costs

Skylight installation costs could be effected dramatically if there are modifications or additions needed in your attic, such as extensive framing for a large skylight. For example, if you are installing tube lighting has to be installed through the external part of your roof with a finished frame or extension in the attic, your installation cost will increase due to added labor, cost of lumber, sheetrock or roofing materials.

  • How Large the Job is:  Installation of a skylight that is more than 15% of a rooms average space can require additional sheet rock installation and even extensive roof patching and repairs.
  • Type of Skylight:  Skylights are available in many different sizes, shapes and efficiency ratings.
  • Steep Roof:  Installing a skylight on steep roof peaks makes it very difficult for contractors, so expect there to be additional fees if your roof is excessively tall or steep.
  • Blinds or Shades Needed:  If you have your skylight installed in an area where sunlight is beaming in all day, you may need to have blinds, shades or a solar cover installed to cut down on heat & cooling losses.
  • Permit and Inspection Fees:  Check with your county government to inquire about whether you need a permit.
  • Current Workload on Contractor: Based on the time of the year and contractor demand, you may have to pay more if you want your skylight immediately. Do some checking in your area to find out the best time (when contractors are less busy) to have your skylight installed.

Save on Installation Costs!

It’s best to hire a carpenter for the project because this is a job that should be completed by someone with specialized skills. However, there are a few options for saving on the price of skylight installation.

  • Shop online and purchase your skylight yourself
  • Do prep work to cover any finishes in your home you don’t want to be damaged
  • Clean up and dispose of debris after the installation
  • Pay in cash
  • Offer to be the contractors helper for the day to cut down on labor costs

To find the best price for your situation, contact multiple contractors for several price quotes; (click here for free estimates).  Ask the right questions and you are sure to find the one that fits your situation the best.

Learn about Skylight Installation  – Extreme How-To video article on DIY skylight installation. – Skylight Installation Tips to Get the Job Done Right – Things to consider when buying Skylights, Solar Tubes, Sun Tunnels and Tubular Skylights – Questions about Skylights and Energy

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